Airports in Azad Kashmir Connecting the Region to the World

Air travel has become an integral part of modern life, connecting people, businesses, and cultures across the globe. Airports are the gateways to this world, and they play a crucial role in facilitating travel and trade. In this article, we will explore the airports in Azad Kashmir, a region located in the northern part of Pakistan. We will discuss the history, current state, and future prospects of these airports, as well as the challenges they face and the opportunities they offer.

The Geography of Azad Kashmir

Azad Kashmir covers an area of 13,297 square kilometers and is located in the Himalayas. It is a mountainous region, with most of its terrain consisting of rugged peaks, deep valleys, and high-altitude plateaus. The region is rich in natural resources, including forests, minerals, and water, and has a diverse ecosystem that supports a variety of flora and fauna. The climate of Azad Kashmir varies depending on the altitude and location, but it is generally temperate in the valleys and cold in the mountains.

The History of Airports in Azad Kashmir

The history of airports in Azad Kashmir dates back to the 1960s, when the first airport was built in Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Kashmir. This airport was initially used for military purposes but was later opened for civilian use. Over the years, several other airports were built in the region, including Skardu Airport, Gilgit Airport, and Rawalakot Airport. These airports have played a crucial role in connecting the region to the rest of Pakistan and the world, and have facilitated travel, tourism, and trade.

Current Airports in Azad Kashmir

Muzaffarabad Airport

Muzaffarabad Airport is the largest airport in Azad Kashmir, located in the heart of the capital city. It was built in the 1960s and has a single runway that is 6,000 feet long. The airport is used by several airlines, including Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) and Serene Air, which operate flights to and from Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. The airport has a small terminal building that offers basic facilities for passengers, including check-in counters, waiting areas, and shops.

Rawalakot Airport

Rawalakot Airport is located in the Poonch District of Azad Kashmir, at an altitude of 3,800 feet above sea level. It was built in the 1970s and has a single runway that is 3,000 feet long. The airport is used by small private planes and helicopters, and is not currently served by any commercial airlines. However, there are plans to upgrade the airport and expand its facilities in the future.

The Importance of Airports in Azad Kashmir

The airports in Azad Kashmir play a crucial role in connecting the region to the rest of Pakistan and the world. They facilitate travel, tourism, and trade, and provide access to remote areas that are otherwise difficult to reach. The airports also provide employment opportunities and contribute to the local economy, as they create demand for goods and services such as hotels, restaurants, and transportation.

Challenges Faced by Airports in Azad Kashmir

Despite their importance, the airports in Azad Kashmir face several challenges that hinder their development and growth. These challenges include:

Weather Conditions

The airports in Azad Kashmir are subject to extreme weather conditions, such as heavy snowfall, fog, and high winds. This makes it difficult to operate flights, especially during the winter season. The airports also lack modern weather monitoring and forecasting systems, which further exacerbates the problem.

Lack of Infrastructure

The airports in Azad Kashmir lack modern infrastructure, such as navigational aids, communication systems, and passenger facilities. This makes it difficult to operate flights safely and efficiently, and limits the potential for growth and expansion.

Political Instability

Azad Kashmir is a politically sensitive region, with ongoing disputes between Pakistan and India over the territory. This has led to security concerns and restrictions on travel, which have had a negative impact on the airports in the region.

Future of Airports in Azad Kashmir

Despite the challenges they face, the airports in Azad Kashmir have the potential to grow and develop in the future. There are plans to upgrade and expand the existing airports, as well as to build new airports in remote areas that are currently underserved. The government of Pakistan has also announced plans to promote tourism and investment in the region, which is expected to boost demand for air travel.


The airports in Azad Kashmir are important gateways to the region, connecting it to the rest of the world and facilitating travel, tourism, and trade. Despite the challenges they face, there is a lot of potential for growth and development in the future. With investments in modern infrastructure and technology, along with political stability, the airports in Azad Kashmir can become major hubs for air travel in the region.


Are there direct international flights to Azad Kashmir airports?

No, there are no direct international flights to AJK airports. Passengers can connect to international flights through major airports in Pakistan, such as Islamabad and Lahore.

Can I book flights to Azad Kashmir online?

Yes, you can book flights to Azad Kashmir online through the websites of airlines such as PIA and Serene Air.

How long does it take to fly from Islamabad to Skardu?

The flight from Islamabad to Skardu takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes, depending on the airline and weather conditions.

Is it safe to travel to Azad Kashmir?

While Azad Kashmir is generally safe for tourists, it is important to be aware of the political situation in the region and to follow the advice of local authorities.

Are there plans to build new airports in Azad Kashmir?

Yes, there are plans to build new airports in remote areas of Azad Kashmir that are currently underserved, in order to improve connectivity and promote tourism and investment in the region.

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