Dollar Price Rate Going High in Pakistan why 2023

In recent times, the Pakistani rupee has faced a continuous decline in its value against the US dollar, causing the dollar price rate to rise sharply. This has led to many questions and concerns about the causes and effects of this trend. In this article, we will explore the various factors contributing to the high dollar price rate in Pakistan and its impact on the country’s economy


Pakistan, like many other countries, has experienced fluctuations in its currency exchange rate with the US dollar. However, in recent years, the Pakistani rupee has faced a continuous decline in its value against the dollar, causing the dollar price rate to rise sharply. This has led to many questions about the causes and effects of this trend, as well as concerns about the impact on Pakistan’s economy.

Historical Background of Dollar Price Rate in Pakistan

The history of the dollar price rate in Pakistan has been marked by significant fluctuations, with periods of stability and instability. In the 1980s and 1990s, the Pakistani rupee was pegged to the US dollar, which helped stabilize the exchange rate. However, in the early 2000s, the Pakistani government adopted a floating exchange rate regime, which allowed the market to determine the value of the Pakistani rupee.

Since then, the dollar price rate in Pakistan has been subject to various economic, political, and global factors that have caused fluctuations in its value. However, in recent years, the trend has been towards a continuous decline in the value of the Pakistani rupee against the US dollar, resulting in a high dollar price rate.

Causes of High Dollar Price Rate in Pakistan

Several factors contribute to the high dollar price rate in Pakistan. These include economic, political, and global factors.

Economic Factors

One of the primary reasons for the high dollar price rate in Pakistan is the country’s current account deficit. This means that Pakistan’s imports are higher than its exports, resulting in a net outflow of dollars. This puts pressure on the Pakistani rupee and causes its value to decline, leading to a high dollar price rate.

Another economic factor contributing to the high dollar price rate is inflation. Pakistan has been experiencing high inflation rates in recent years, which has eroded the value of the Pakistani rupee. This, in turn, has contributed to the high dollar price rate.

Political Factors

Political instability is another factor contributing to the high $ price rate in Pakistan. Pakistan has faced political turmoil in recent years, which has caused uncertainty in the market and deterred foreign investors. This has put pressure on the Pakistani rupee and contributed to the high dollar price rate.

Global Factors

Global economic factors, such as fluctuations in the price of oil and other commodities, also contribute to the high $ price rate in Pakistan. Pakistan is a net importer of oil, and fluctuations in its price can cause the Pakistani rupee’s value to decline. Additionally, the US Federal Reserve’s monetary policy and interest rates also affect the value of the US $ and, therefore, the dollar price rate in Pakistan.

Effects of High Dollar Price Rate in Pakistan

The high $ price rate in Pakistan has several effects on the country’s economy, including:


High dollar price rate and the decline in the value of the Pakistani rupee contributes to inflation, as the prices of imported goods increase. This, in turn, affects the purchasing power of the Pakistani people and can cause economic hardship.

Increased Import Costs

The high price rate increases the cost of importing goods into Pakistan, making them more expensive for consumers. This can cause a decline in demand for imported goods, negatively impacting businesses that rely on imports.

Debt Repayment

Pakistan has significant foreign debt obligations that must be repaid in dollars. The high dollar price rate increases the cost of repaying these debts, putting pressure on the country’s finances.

Decreased Investment

The high dollar price rate and economic instability can deter foreign investors, leading to a decline in investment in Pakistan. This can further exacerbate the economic challenges faced by the country.

Government Response to High Dollar Price Rate in Pakistan

The Pakistani government has taken several measures to address the high dollar price rate and its impact on the economy. These include:

Tightening monetary policy to control inflation and stabilize the Pakistani rupee
Implementing measures to increase exports and reduce imports
Negotiating foreign aid packages and loans to address the country’s debt obligations
Encouraging foreign investment by improving the business environment and offering incentives to investors

Future Outlook for Dollar Price Rate in Pakistan

The future outlook for the dollar price rate in Pakistan is uncertain, and it will depend on several factors, including global economic trends, political stability, and the government’s response to economic challenges. However, it is essential to take steps to address the underlying economic issues contributing to the high dollar price rate and stabilize the economy.


The high dollar price rate in Pakistan is a significant concern for the country’s economy and people. It is caused by several factors, including economic, political, and global factors, and has several adverse effects. However, the Pakistani government has taken measures to address the challenges and improve the economic outlook for the country.

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